Apex on Anatomy Written with Color Atlas
"Apex" On "Anatomy" Written with "Color Atlas" A certain measure has been felt to assure the standard extent of this book from its original base expanding it to the extreme, to give the greater flow.
The sequence of chapter has been kept primitive for SAQ and MCQ , to make it more rational. The Color Atlas of Human Anatomy is placed first as it needs to be study before proceeding with the chapters.

Extensive work has been done on the text and illustrations. The size of many figures have been replaced with new ones.
"Apex" the well known book on Anatomy Written with Color Atlas Already has been evaluated standared of its continuous alert presentation through the last 17years; By - Making the subject easy. saving the waste of valuable time and fair and clearcut idea.
according to new curriculum, eleventh edition of this book has been thoroughly revised , extended, rearranged and modified, based on SAQ and MCQ to bring it up to date.
maintaining the original purpose , sincere touch, unlimited labor and great care have been taken to make it un parallel everywhere.
Major new Features :
- Solve of all SAQ According to new curriculum updated.
- correction in every Question And answer
- Fairly drawn computer based figures.
- MCQ according to new curriculum.
- MCQ model tests for self assessment.
- Newly added -Radio graphic anatomy.
- Reoriented- surface (living) anatomy.
- Color atlas of human anatomy (40page).
- Reoriented arterial chart.
Clearly , It is the indication of respond of thousands of students which
have brought the eleventh edition of their favorite "Apex" Anatomy Written with color Atlas of Human Anatomy.
Here the contents that have been placed in the book----
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Location: Apex Publication 129 Islamia Market nilkhet mirpur road azimpur Dhaka.